Memes generated from a single picture
Memes generated from a single word
From cardboard to the future!
Uhhs and aaaahs dropping from your mouth
A dog and a deconstructionist discussing pizza
Open your mouth, and experience another persons perspective
Forcing an to AI make up fairy tales from boring picture
Tired of books written by authors?
What happens when an object detection algorithm watches a movie trailer?
Explore machine learning, live in your browser
Play music with eye movements and facial gestures
Paint with current tabloid headlines from Danish newspaper EkstraBladet
Exploring soundwaves through tangible interactions
Turn selfies into vintage portraits
Poetry meets AI
Wikipedia pages for everyone!
This might be wrong, but at least it is free
Machine Learning for Artists
Examining essence in images
Creating digital landscape images from perler beads
Who gets to dedcide?
Chat with the trees of Roskilde Festival
Installation for New York Design Week by Circus Family
Paintings that use genetic algorithms to change as you look at them
Musical game using motors and sliders
Every face on the web is yours
Extending the universe of a painter
From lines to landscapes
Look mom, I wrote a book!
Uncanny images from keywords
Giving life to non-existing people at 24-hour hackathon Hack4dk
Generating poetry from the everyday objects around us
Emotionally aware architecture
Avoiding space monsters with sounds
Turning drawings into music
Letting machine learning determine what is funky and boring
Augmented Reality Mirror
Paint with video in Processing and openFrameworks