Photo Booth of the Past
Turn selfies into vintage portraits
Photo Booth of the Past invited visitors to step into a custom booth and capture a self-portrait, which was instantly transformed by AI into a historical-style image. This interactive portrait was then woven into a light and sound installation at the old power station throughout the Kolding Light Festival. The piece was created by Andreas Refsgaard in collaboration with Hørbar, Nikos Stavropoulos, Nicolai Høier, and Kolding Stadsarkiv, drawing on ideas from citizen workshops in Kolding, Christiansfeld, Lunderskov, and Vamdrup.
On December 6th, musician Mark Ibsgaard Gregersen (Hørbar) performed a live sound piece developed with Thomas Eg at EWII-House, alongside a meet-and-greet with creative coder and digital artist Andreas Refsgaard. Additional partners included Kolding Stadsarkiv, Koldingbibliotekerne, Kulturskolen Kolding, TRIO, EWII-House, Museum Kolding and Kongeåmuseet i Vamdrup.